Leadership Anchorage


Founded in 1997, Leadership Anchorage (LA) is the premier leadership development program for established and emerging Alaskans seeking to expand their impact in the community.

LA is designed to develop the skills, knowledge, perspective, and networks needed to be an effective and compassionate changemaker for our city, and our state. Each year, a diverse cohort of leaders is selected to participate in this 9-month program consisting of monthly Saturday sessions, enhanced by group projects, individual mentorships, readings, resources, and guest speakers from the community.


Chuck Seaca

Director of Leadership Programs
Email Contact

Why LA?

Transform Your Leadership
LA participants practice and strengthen essential 21st-century leadership competencies including facilitation, coaching, collaboration, and team-building.

Through assessments and interactive activities, you will develop an understanding of how you show up in the world and tap into your vision, mission, and purpose.

Amplify and Diversify Your Networks
LA is a unique opportunity to become a part of a powerful community of diverse leaders from a wide range of industries, backgrounds, ages, and experiences.

Throughout the program, participants are introduced to new organizations, individuals, venues, and connection points across the city. You will build close, supportive relationships within your cohort and across our powerful network of over 400 LA alumni and mentors.

Activate Ideas Into Action
If you aspire to make a real difference in your community or organization, your LA Community Project provides the perfect opportunity to step boldly into that vision as you tackle real, immediate needs within the Anchorage community.

Apply To Leadership Anchorage

Each year, a diverse cohort of up to 20 is selected to participate in the program with sessions starting in September. Get details about the program and apply.

Community Projects

A core element of the LA experience is the team projects that connect participants with partner organizations to address real, immediate community needs.

Leadership Anchorage Alumni

LA has over 400 alumni across Anchorage, and Alaska. An Alumni Advisory Board hosts a range of activities and events for networking and continued learning.

Leadership Anchorage Alumni Award

The Leadership Anchorage Alumni Award recognizes an LA alum who has made significant contributions within their chosen profession and/or volunteer activities, has impacted their community, or the public at large; whose work supports connecting Alaskans and strengthening communities; and who has shown a commitment to ethical, compassionate leadership.

Leadership Anchorage Mentor Award

The Leadership Anchorage Mentor Award recognizes an LA Mentor who has made significant contributions to the growth of their mentee.

Amanda Ashton
Account Manager | GCI
Colleen Andrews
Social Connections Coordinator | Mat-Su Health Foundation
Corrine Cross
Programs Manager | AWAIC - Abused Women's Aid in Crisis
David Bell
Mechanical Engineering Group Manager | CRW Engineering
Elizabeth Dickinson
Senior Grant Development Manager | Catholic Social Services
Elizabeth Pantaleone
School Based Mental Health Clinician | VOA Alaska
Jordan Finney
Brownfields Coordinator | Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council
Karden Kelly
Special Agent | US Department of the Interior, Office of Inspector General
Kendalyn Mckisick
Director of Marketing & Communications | Camp Fire Alaska
Lindsey Hickey
Assistant Administrative Director, Clinical Psychologist | Norton Sound Health Corporation
Martha Anelon
Shareholder Development Training Manager | Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Marvin Johnson
ANSEP Director | University of Alaska Anchorage
Mere Suaava
Information Management | Repsol
Michael Thomas
Superintendent of Recruiting and Retention | Alaska Air National Guard
Paul Paasaa McDonogh
Director of Education | Chugachmiut
Payton Augafa
Juvenile Justice Counselor | Mclaughlin Youth Center
Peri Qancuk Sanders
Coordinator, Caleb Scholars Program | Kawerak Inc
Tuan Graziano
Donor Relations Manager | ACLU of Alaska
Victoria "Tory" Shanklin
Executive Director | Violent Crimes Compensation Board

Thank you to LA 28 Mentors for investing in our Cohort! Mentors are community members who volunteer their time to meet with LA participants and serve as a trusted partner for advice, guidance, and inspiration. Mentors can be anyone in the community and are selected by the participants themselves - with recommendations and support from Leadership Anchorage - and participants take on the initiative to reach out and establish a relationship.   


Charisse Arce, Senior Attorney at EarthJustice

Chellie Skoog, Vice President of Programs at Foraker Group

Cindy Bailey, Senior Vice President of Community Affairs at Santos

Curtis Ivanoff, Superintendent at Alaska Conference, Covenant Churchc

Debra Call, Director, Board of Directors at the Alaska Federation of Natives

Jackie Schaeffer, Director of Climate Initiatives at Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

Jasmine Boyle, Chief Operating Officer at RurAL CAP

Jessica Graham, Executive VP, Chief Risk Officer & General Counsel at Global Federal Credit Union

Joelle Hall, President at AFL-CIO

Kris Palmatier, Chief Financial Officer at Catholic Social Services

Lael Bach, Training and Development Specialist at Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

Lee Post, Chief of Juvenile Probation (retired) & Professional Artist at State of Alaska & PostMarks

Michelle Egan, Chief Communications Officer at Alyeska Pipeline

Polly Carr, Vice-President of Programs at Alaska Humanities Forum

Regan Brooks, Founder, Story Works Alaska

Ryan Buchholdt, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services at University of Alaska Anchorage

Theresa LyonsHealthy & Equitable Communities Grant Administrator, Alaska Black Caucus

Alaska Humanities Forum

The Alaska Humanities Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that designs and facilitates experiences to bridge distance and difference – programming that shares and preserves the stories of people and places across our vast state, and explores what it means to be Alaskan.

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