Reflecting on moments of personal growth, discovery, and learning to care
By Emily Maurveluviiluq Brockman (Winter 2024-25, FORUM Magazine)
By Robin McKnight (Winter 2024-25, FORUM Magazine) a world of disappearing digital evidence
Essay by Mary Katzke (Winter 2023-24, FORUM Magazine)
Memories of war are woven into the fabric of some military families, leaving one Alaskan to realize he was cut from the same cloth as his grandfather.
Essay by Joe Yelverton (Winter 2022-23, FORUM Magazine)
John Hagen, Expressionist And Documentarian
Profile by Rosanne Pagano (Winter 2023-24, FORUM Magazine)
Indra Arriaga Delgado’s painting is an act of thinking through the untold.
Essay by Indra Arriaga Delgado (Spring 2022, FORUM Magazine)
An interview by Sheila Toomey with Diane Kaplan (Winter 2022-23, FORUM Magazine)
Magnetic North: Arliss Sturgulewski
Magnetic North is a documentary film series that explores the personality and character of Alaskans whose actions and ideas have shaped the history, spirit, and values of our state. The films are written and directed by Marla Williams. Learn more about Magnetic North here.
Magnetic North: Governor William "Bill" Sheffield, Jr.
Magnetic North is a documentary film series that explores the personality and character of Alaskans whose actions and ideas have shaped the history, spirit, and values of our state. The films are written and directed by Marla Williams. Learn more about Magnetic North here.
Magnetic North: Clem Tillion
Magnetic North is a documentary film series that explores the personality and character of Alaskans whose actions and ideas have shaped the history, spirit, and values of our state. The films are written and directed by Marla Williams. Learn more about Magnetic North here.
A conversation guide and springboard developed in partnership with the Alaska State Council on the Arts.
Guiding Question: What stories from my past do I keep with me, and how do my cultures and heritage play into that?
The Alaska Humanities Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that designs and facilitates experiences to bridge distance and difference – programming that shares and preserves the stories of people and places across our vast state, and explores what it means to be Alaskan.
March 5, 2025 • Polly Carr
February 25, 2025 • Amanda Dale
February 17, 2025 • Jayson Owens