FORUM Stories

The FORUM Stories platform presents written, film, and audio work from storytellers around Alaska.



Stories of Self

Stories of self: Reflecting on moments of personal growth, discovery, and learning to care.

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Stories of Alaska

Stories of Alaska: Sharing true histories and countering dominant narratives of Alaska.

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Seeing our own lens

Seeing our own lens: Exploring race, identity, and culture.

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Finding our Shared Purpose

Finding our shared purpose: Understanding our accountability and responsibility to our communities.

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Land: Exploring our relationship to place and land.

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Making change

Making change: Finding hope and strengthening community through connection.

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Cross-generational learning

Cross-generational learning: Celebrating the importance of mentorship and learning from each other.

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Belonging: What does it mean to belong?

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Depolarization: Connecting across differences of perspective, experience, background, and belief.

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Why we do this work

There are many stories that make up Alaska – many voices, many cultures, many identities. At the Alaska Humanities Forum, we believe that stories – and in particular stories that reflect a more inclusive narrative of our state – have the power to help bridge difference and spark connection by deepening our understanding of others, ourselves, and our communities. This means that stories are not only central, but critical, to the work of strengthening communities across the state.

Alaska Humanities Forum

The Alaska Humanities Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that designs and facilitates experiences to bridge distance and difference – programming that shares and preserves the stories of people and places across our vast state, and explores what it means to be Alaskan.

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