Practicing Civic Engagement

Lev Greenstein • May 14, 2021

What does it look like to practice civic engagement? This has been a question core to Forum programming throughout April, and as May comes into full swing, it begs to be reflected on.

Throughout the last few months, the Forum has designed and hosted events and forums as a part of the larger “Why It Matters: Civic and Electoral” initiative administered by the Federation of State Humanities Councils and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The goal of this nationwide initiative was to support community conversations that strengthen how we engage in our democracy on an everyday basis. These opportunities tested out what prioritizing civic space for community engagement could look and feel like, and below are a few of the results.

Scroll through this gallery to see an accumulation of our conversations and stories. Thinking is almost always done better in community with others, so if any images here spark an idea you’d like to explore with your own community, don’t hesitate to share or build off of it!

We send thanks to Alaska Common Ground, Dialogues for Public Life, and Alaska Literacy Programfor the wonderful partnering work done to make these civic conversations and forums rich and engaging!

Healing The Divide Live Scribe

Healing the Divide Live Scribe
This tapestry of ideas, questions, and values is a rendering of a community conversation centered around the values we hold dear as a nation and how we relate to them today.

4 22 World Cafe Jamboard

World Cafe Jamboard (4/22/21)
What resources do we have now that support accessible voting? This was one of the questions Dialogues for Public Life explored with community members committed to brainstorming on an issue that mattered to them.

4 15 World Cafe Jamboard

World Cafe Jamboard (4/15/21)
When Dialogues for Public Life gathered to answer the question “How can we foster civic engagement now and post-Covid?”, we explored questions like these together! What would your answer be?

Voting Reflections

Voting Reflections
A glance at a few of the Voting Reflections submitted as a part of our Alaska Voting Stories collection effort!

Memorage Voting Experiences

Memorable Voting Experiences
More voting stories nestled under the Memorable Voting Experiences gallery of our Alaska Voting Stories collection effort.

On The Preamble of the Constitution

On The Preamble of the Constitution
When our Healing the Divide event tackled the preamble of the constitution, these are some of the ideas that came out. Shout-out to Drawnversation for the portrayal.

On The Preamble of the Decl of Independence

On The Preamble of the Declaration of Independence
The Healing the Divide event’s exploration of the preamble of the declaration of independence continued holding space for critical engagement and nuanced conversation. Shout-out to Drawnversation for the portrayal.

Alaska Humanities Forum

The Alaska Humanities Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that designs and facilitates experiences to bridge distance and difference – programming that shares and preserves the stories of people and places across our vast state, and explores what it means to be Alaskan.

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