FORUM Storytelling Fellowship



The FORUM Storytelling Fellowship convenes new and emerging writers to share stories that need to be told about Alaska. Each Fellowship cohort lasts for ~6 months and consists of up to 6 participants. Fellows are paid $3,000 for completion of the Fellowship. 

The fellowship experience consists of three main components: 

  1. During the first four months of the Fellowship, create and edit one new piece of work monthly, to be published in print and on the FORUM digital platform. Fellows will gain writing experience and build their skills in submitting pitches and working with an editor and publisher. A set of themes will guide monthly stories, but fellows will be encouraged to experiment creatively with new ideas and storytelling formats. Upon completing the Fellowship, each writer will have at least four published stories they can use to further their literary careers.

  2. In the final two months of the Fellowship, work with AKHF staff to guide the layout, design, and other elements of the printed FORUM Magazine. Our intention is that fellows will co-design the publication, which may include: determining the order of pieces in the magazine, shaping the editorial note, suggesting artists to create illustrations for the magazine, etc. 

  3. Connect with other Alaskan writers through 3-hour virtual cohort gatherings once per month (for a total of five gatherings, as we do not intend to meet during the final month). A typical gathering will include community building, a skill-building workshop with a guest storyteller, and time for pitching and getting feedback on stories from the cohort. In the final two months of the cohort, gatherings will shift toward production of the printed magazine, as described in item #2 above. 

To learn more, check out the FAQs below! 


Meet the current fellows! 

Tessa Baldwin
Katie Basile
Itzel Zagal
Yatibaey Evans
Tasha Elizarde

Past fellows

Emily Maurveluviiluq Brockman
Emily Maurveluviiluq Brockman
April Tan’gerpak Hostetter.
April Tan’gerpak Hostetter.
Desiree Hagen
Desiree Hagen
Robin McKnight
Robin McKnight
Shaelene Grace Moler
Shaelene Grace Moler

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment? 

  • Attending one 3-hour virtual gathering for the first five months. The final month will involve communication by email, but we don’t intend to meet. Pending funding, we may be able to be able to cover travel for Fellows to meet in person in Anchorage for the first and/or final gathering. Sessions are generally held on the first Saturday of the month from 9am-12pm. The dates for the Spring 2025 cohort are February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3, and June 21.

    We hope that Fellows will be able to attend all the gatherings, but know that things come up and will work with Fellows to accommodate scheduling conflicts. Please note that attendance at the first gathering is mandatory. Fellows are required to attend at least 3 out of 4 of the following sessions. Before applying, please ensure you would be able to meet this requirement. If not, we encourage you to apply to a future Fellowship cohort.

  • Administrative time (checking program-related emails, etc);

  • During Months 1-4:
    • Writing and editing one story/essay/article that is at least 500 words (four total throughout the fellowship). Final stories are due by the first Friday of each month; and

    • Providing at least two images to go with each story/essay/article.

  • During Months 5-6:
    • Working with AKHF staff to guide the layout, design, and other elements of the printed FORUM Magazine (see above for more information).

Who should consider applying? 

We are looking for storytellers who: 

  • Want to build their skills and portfolios as writers. In the future, we hope to expand to other mediums, but the current focus of the fellowship is on written storytelling for publication in print and digital platforms;

  • Have between 0-5 years of experience in professional writing (this means producing published work that you were paid for);

  • Are willing to attend AKHF events in their communities; and

  • The cohort of selected storytellers will ideally represent a range of communities throughout Alaska, racial and cultural identities, gender identities, and abilities.

Alaska Humanities Forum

The Alaska Humanities Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that designs and facilitates experiences to bridge distance and difference – programming that shares and preserves the stories of people and places across our vast state, and explores what it means to be Alaskan.

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