Alaska Studies Summit

Strengthen high school Alaska Studies classes.


May 29 - 30, 2024

Starting At: 9:00 AM


BP Energy Center, 1014 Energy Ct, Anchorage, AK 99508


Molissa Udevitz  •  907-770-8402

On May 29-30, 2025 the Alaska Humanities Forum will bring together 40 educators invested in strengthening the high school Alaska Studies class.

Feels isolating to teach with few inclusive resources…

Too often little support from administration

Alaska Studies has been a difficult class for a long time

The Alaska Studies Summit’s goal is to connect Alaska Studies teachers to share what is working in their classes, share resources, and build a roadmap to continue this work beyond this Summit.

create a roadmap for build momentum to improve students’ experiences in these classes Studies, share what is working, learn from each e

start outlining steps for how this can happen, and build momentum to do more. The Summit is designed with input from our Community Advisory Board (see below) and partner See Stories.

Summit’s goal is to connect teachers

Teachers share what is working, learn from one another

List Day’s themes

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Project Vision

The Summit is intended to kick off continuing efforts to revitalize and strengthen the teaching and learning of Alaska Studies. The long-term vision is:

All Alaska students have positive experiences in their required Alaska Studies high school classes, learn an inclusive history of our state, and consider how this history shapes where we are today.

All Alaska Studies teachers have the tools and resources to make the curriculum relevant to their students and to teach about difficult and complex topics such as colonization.

Summit Objectives

  • Participants will feel more connected to each other through a shared investment in improving the Alaska Studies course and participating in the Alaska Studies Network created at the Summit

  • Participants will share resources and information with each other (to be compiled on new Alaska Studies Resources webpage hosted by AKHF)

Teachers will learn innovative approaches to connect with community members and bring them into their Alaska Studies classrooms.

Alaska Studies Summit Community Advisory Board

The Alaska Studies Summit Community Advisory board .....

Marie Acemah
See Stories Founder | Anchorage
Michael Angaiak
Assistant Professor, School of Education | Fairbanks
Brianna Gray
Executive Director of Student Support Services | Fairbanks
Roben Itchoak
Teacher | Shishmaref
Panigkaq Agatha John Shields
Assistant Professor of Indigenizing Education | Anchorage
Megan Mc Bride
Educator Programs Manager | Anchorage
Qaġġuna Tenna Pili
Director of Iñupiaq Education | Utqiaġvik
Lynda Leal Prince
Bartlett High School Social Studies Teacher | Anchorage
Peter Stanton
Teacher | Ketchikan
Liza Tran
Diamond High School Social Studies Teacher | Anchorage
Jackie Wilson
Indigenous Retired Teacher | Dillingham
Caroline Wiseman
Culture Bearer and Educator | Anchroage
Alaska Humanities Forum

The Alaska Humanities Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that designs and facilitates experiences to bridge distance and difference – programming that shares and preserves the stories of people and places across our vast state, and explores what it means to be Alaskan.

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