Applications for Dialogues Grants are now open from January 21 through April 18, 2025!
We believe that Alaskans need more thoughtfully crafted spaces for community members to be in conversation about our state’s past, present, and future. Dialogues Grants provide up to $5,000 in funding to design and facilitate public programming that brings people together through conversation to learn from one another and inspire deeper understanding of topics that are important to Alaskans.
Examples of potential grant projects include: facilitated community conversations; facilitated community forums; and other gatherings whose primary purpose is for participants to be in conversation with each other, learn from one another, and share perspectives.
Note that Dialogues Grants cannot fund:
Programming that advocates for public policies, candidates, elections, or pieces of legislation (including direct lobbying, grassroots lobbying, and electoral activities). This restriction is because our funding comes from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency.
Programming that does not bring Alaskans into active dialogue with each other. For example, a lecture, panel or presentation would not be eligible.
Programming whose primary purpose is to fundraise or promote an organization. For example, this grant is not intended to be used as an event sponsorship.
If you are interested in applying, please review the full Grant Overview & Guidelines by clicking the button below. You may also view a preview of the application.
How do I apply?
We offer several ways to apply:
Online. To complete the application online, please visit the Forum’s Submittable page at If this is your first time using Submittable, you will need to create an account. As you complete the application, you may save drafts and return later.
By email. Applicants may complete the application by submitting typed or handwritten answers by email. You can find a fillable PDF application linked here. Please note you will need to attach the narrative and timeline sections of the application separately.
By video or audio recording. Applicants may complete the application by submitting video or audio recordings of all application answers. Please ensure you are conscientious of the suggested page limit in your answers. To submit your application via recording, please contact our Grants team using the contact information above to determine the best submission platform for your needs.
By phone. To apply by phone, please be sure you have read through the application questions in advance. Our team can then record your answers over the phone. To apply by phone, please contact our Grants team using the contact information above.
Can I get consultation or assistance with my application?
The Forum’s Grants team is available to answer questions and provide guidance on applicant eligibility, project ideas, budget questions, and technical difficulties submitting an application. Please reach out using the contact information below.
We also offer optional draft reviews. To receive feedback on proposals, drafts must be submitted by the draft review deadline, June 17, 2024. To submit a draft by email or phone, please use the contact information below. To submit a draft via Submittable, please include “DRAFT FOR REVIEW” in the Project Title field. All feedback or suggestions are based on our past experience working with grantees and our selection committee, and do not guarantee funding.
Shoshi Bieler, Director of Grants Programs
By email: sbieler [AT] akhf [DOT] org
By phone: If possible, please schedule a time with me at this link so I can make sure I am prepared for our call. For urgent questions, you can reach me at (907) 770-8406.
Is this grant a fit for my project?
Who we fund:
Applicants must be Alaska-based nonprofit organizations or federally recognized tribal governments. For-profit organizations are not eligible to apply.
At this time, we cannot fund individuals. Individuals may partner with organizations to apply for grant funding, but please note we cannot award projects that are fiscally sponsored (also known as “pass through”) in which the fiscal sponsor is not playing a significant role in the design and implementation of the grant. The grant recipient organization must be the entity proposing the project, and must play a meaningful role in its design, development, and implementation beyond financial management of the grant.
Additionally, applicants must have a UEI (Unique Entity ID) number and be registered in the system at the time of award. We cannot award funding to organizations without a UEI number. Visit this link to apply for a UEI number and register in (this is a free process). Please note this registration can take several weeks or longer to process, so we recommend getting started as soon as possible.
If you are not sure whether your team meets the eligibility requirements for this grant, please reach out to the Forum’s Grants team.
How does AKHF select projects to fund?
The Forum’s volunteer Board of Directors reviews all eligible grant proposals and is responsible for all selection decisions. The board strives to select a slate of grant projects that collectively reflect diverse geographics, cultures, and experiences.
Review Criteria
The Forum’s Board of Directors will review eligible proposals against the following criteria. The proposed project is:
In alignment with the Forum’s stated goal of providing funding to design and facilitate public programming that brings people together to learn from one another and inspire deeper understanding of topics that are important to Alaskans.
Timely. Projects bring Alaskans together around topics that are highly relevant to our communities.
Rooted. Projects are responsive to, based in, and shaped by demonstrated community need.
Participatory. Projects create a space for participants to actively engage with each other in meaningful ways.
Public. Projects are open and accessible to the public.
Funding Priorities
The Alaska Humanities Forum prioritizes funding to projects that are led by and serve rural, Black, Indigenous and communities of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and the disability community.
What types of expenses can this grant fund? What doesn't this grant fund?
Alaska Humanities Forum grants are re-grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency. As a "re-granting" organization, the Forum passes along these federal funds to other organizations, but all re-grants remain subject to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars governing administrative requirements, allowable and unallowable costs, and audit requirements. These requirements may be found at this link.
Because of this, we do not always have complete control over the requirements and restrictions of the funds we pass along. We are committed to being as transparent and flexible as possible within these requirements, so please do not hesitate to reach out with questions about what may or may not be possible to fund through your grant.
Allowable Expenses
Requested Forum funding may support project-related expenses including, but not limited to, the following:
Project personnel costs.
Contractual services.
Honoraria and stipends.
Domestic travel.
Supplies and materials (including equipment under $5,000 per unit).
Printing and shipping.
Facilities rental for project-specific needs.
Food for project-specific needs (Due to National Endowment for the Humanities grant funding restrictions, these grants cannot be used to only fund food costs for events. We cannot fund food costs that are more than half of the grant budget).
Project publicity.
An indirect cost rate of 10% de minimis applies for overhead operating expenses, unless the grantee has an alternative pre-approved federal indirect rate and can provide documentation.
Unallowable Expenses
The following project types are not eligible for funding through this grant:
Projects that influence an audience toward a single position or present a one-sided, uncritical treatment of an issue (i.e., if public policy issues are involved, discussion must be balanced).
Projects whose primary purpose is presenting information. The goal of this grant is for participants to learn from each other and engage in conversation, rather than a presentation, panel, or lecture.
Due to National Endowment for the Humanities grant funding restrictions, these grants cannot be used to only fund food costs for events. Food may be funded if it is less than 50% of the grant budget.
Theatrical productions and performances in the arts.
Profit-making projects, fundraising events, or projects whose purpose is for promotion, advertising, or marketing of an organization, service, or product.
Projects that don’t create space for meaningful participant engagement. For example, a lecture with a questions and answer session would not be eligible for funding.
Additionally, this grant cannot fund:
Projects that are not based in Alaska and/or do not serve an Alaskan audience.
Costs accrued prior to the grant funding period: the grant funding period begins after the grant has been officially awarded and the Letter of Agreement has been signed by both the Alaska Humanities Forum and the grant’s Authorizing Official.
Costs for providing alcoholic beverages during travel, at events, or during any projects involved with the grant.
International travel.
Projects that are not open to the public.
Projects NOT centrally concerned with the humanities. The humanities explore enduring questions about who we are, what we believe, where we have been, what we value, and why.
If you are not sure whether your project is eligible for funding, please reach out to the Forum’s Grants team.
The Alaska Humanities Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that designs and facilitates experiences to bridge distance and difference – programming that shares and preserves the stories of people and places across our vast state, and explores what it means to be Alaskan.
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