Submit a pitch for FORUM


Please submit pitches using the FORUM 2024-2025 Pitch Form. Before you pitch, it's always a good idea to check out past issues to see what has been previously covered.

Please submit a separate form for each pitch. For example, if you're pitching a story for August and November, then you'll submit one form for August and one for November (two forms in total). It's fine to pitch a story for April 2025 (even though that's a long time from now!). We hope to assign stories early and send you reminders when deadlines are coming up.

When you fill out the form below you'll also see there are three categories of stories we're assigning:

  • Long-form article: $800 (around 2500 words + photo)

  • Essay or Profile: $250 (around 1000-1500 words + photo)

  • Photo Essay: $250 (2-3 photographs with captions + short explanation)

The FORUM editorial calendar is organized around a set of themes. You'll note that each theme might have multiple interpretations and that is intentional. We're excited to see your interpretation of each theme and the stories you can create through the prompts.

Click here to learn more about FORUM magazine.

2024-2025 Editorial Calendar

Aug. 2024

Seeing our own lens: exploring race, identity, and culture.

Sept. 2024

Stories of Alaska: sharing true histories and countering dominant narratives of Alaska.

Oct. 2024

Land: Exploring our relationship to place and land.

Nov. 2024

Finding our shared purpose: understanding our accountability and responsibility to our communities.

Dec. 2024

Cross-generational learning: celebrating the importance of mentorship and learning from each other.

Feb. 2025

Stories of self: reflecting on moments of personal growth, discovery, and learning to care.

Mar. 2025

Belonging: what does it mean to belong?

Ap. 2025

Depolarization: Connecting across differences of perspective, experience, background, and belief.

May 2025

Making change: finding hope and strengthening community through connection.

If you have any questions, please contact Bree Kessler at Please do not email pitches to her – use the form on the page linked above.

Alaska Humanities Forum

The Alaska Humanities Forum is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that designs and facilitates experiences to bridge distance and difference – programming that shares and preserves the stories of people and places across our vast state, and explores what it means to be Alaskan.

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